Saturday, October 13, 2012


Two weeks ago I got this flyer for an Apple Festival up in a town called Glendale, UT.  It is only about 30 minutes from Kanab so I convinced Wade that we needed to go up there before work.  I've been talking about it for a week at home and at work.  I've also told tourists about it who were also excited.  Well, we got up early and headed up to Glendale.  Ok, now I was not expecting a Food Network style of festival, however, what I found was very sad....  There was one table out in the center of town with a lady who was selling apple lotion and the town fire truck was across the street.  Wow...I was really hoping to at least get an apple pie.  No suck luck.

So, on the way back we decided to stop at a...wait for it.....another rock shop.  I ended up buying more Christmas gifts.  Yes, people are getting rocks for Christmas.

We ended up just coming back to the RV and eating lunch.  We are headed to work in about a half hour.  This is my last shift for eight days!  I head to Las Vegas on Monday for my flight on Tuesday to DC.  I can't wait.

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