Tuesday, October 9, 2012

The N. Rim of the Grand Canyon, Page, Arizona, and Lake Powell

What a gorgeous country we live in!  Wade and I took a long drive up to the North Rim of the Grand Canyon today.  It was such a beautiful day filled with blue sky and white, puffy clouds.  It was a bit chilly at 8800 feet (53 degrees) but we enjoyed our time up there.  

The North Rim is so much different than the South Rim.  In the North it is more like forest areas.  After getting through the Ranger station and into the lodge gift shop, I found some great Christmas gifts and a few trinkets for myself.  We then headed to Imperial Point, a great place to walk out to the edge and get some pictures.  There had been a fire up here in 2000 where a controlled burn went out of control with high winds and destroyed hundreds of acres.  The area is growing back and looks pretty good for the 12 year mark.

Wade saw a road and wanted to take the Jimmy down there.  I don't think the park will let us do that!

Most of the Aspens were losing their leaves so we only had a few yellow and red trees.

These red hills are the Vermillion Cliffs.  It is a very pretty area with lots of places to stop and read about the history.

As we headed toward Page, AZ we got to a bridge where you could walk across the Grand Canyon from ridge to ridge.  We thought it was funny that there was this sign... The bridge is at the furthest point East of the Grand Canyon.
The bridge is managed by the Navajo Nation and there is a gift shop here....surprise, surprise...
Even though it was late in the season, there were some rafters down in the river below the bridge.  
 Don't jump Wade!
 The water was really green and mossy.
One bridge to walk across and the other to drive across.

There was a plaque telling people of the man who was here taking care of the area.  He was a Mormon with two wives and 20 kids.  He helped people to shuttle across the canyon for many years.

It was called Honeymoon Trail because many mormons who were married in their local area had to travel through here to St. George, UT to the Mormon temple to have their marriage consecrated.
This was up on top of a plateau where we stopped to buy some Indian jewelry.  I bought a necklace, earrings, and a bracelet.  The view was great!

This is Glen Canyon Dam at the headwaters of Lake Powell.  We stopped and got pictures and then went up to the Dam visitor's center where we bought Dam post cards and saw the Dam museum.  We wanted to take the Dam tour but were 15 minutes to late....Damn....

Lake Powell was huge.  Wade and I looked into renting a house boat for a weekend but they want $1500 for three days!  Way too much money.  We might look into doing a day trip with a tour company on the lake to get back into some of the coves.  We will see.

After this we went to Walmart to restock and then headed back to Kanab.  It was a full day where we went from 5000 feet to 9000 feet and back to 4000 feet in Page, AZ.  We had a great lunch in Page and then got back in time to BBQ some steaks for dinner.  We also figured out where we are going on our next days off at the end of October.

On Monday, the 15th I head to Las Vegas to get a flight to DC.  I have a quick five day tour and then will be back in Kanab to finish out our jobs at the gift shop and start to pack up.  We are hoping to do a bit more sight seeing that last week.  I am looking forward to spending some time with my son in Glendale, AZ.  I haven't seen him since last Christmas...

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