Sunday, September 16, 2012


A little over a year ago, Wade and I sold everything we own and bought an RV.  It’s a 40 foot fifth-wheel towed by a Freightliner Semi which used to be a car carrier.  Wade “modified” it to carry our two cars and our fifth-wheel.  Four months a year, I work on the East Coast as a tour guide leading student tours.  The other eight months we are now foot loose and fancy free to travel and work as we want.  This blog documents our life as gypsies.

On September 14, 2012 we left for Kanab, UT.  We used and found a job at a souvenir shop for six weeks.  We loaded all of our stuff and headed west.  Kanab, UT is about 80 miles north of the North Rim of the Grand Canyon and situated almost between Zion National Park and Bryce Canyon National Park.

Oh my gosh!   I guess I never realized how much attention we would get in our crazy get up.  We are 71 feet when driving down the road.  People were pointing and staring mouth open!  We even met a lovely couple from Redding, California who took pictures of the truck and wanted to know if we had a blog/FB they could follow.

Along the way we traveled through the Rockies as the Aspen Trees were just changing for Fall.  It was so pretty.

Gordo was unimpressed:

We rolled into town on the 15th and unloaded all of our stuff.  We were so tired on that first day that all we could do after unloading was take showers and head into “town” for dinner.

We decided to take a quick tour through town.  Quick is an understatement!  Don’t blink…you might miss it.  Kanab is a very cute town but very touristy.  I counted about 10 busses in our short time in town.  We found a diner and had dinner…  We were really shocked at the prices of everything here.  It is very expensive.  We decided to try to eat at home as much as possible and pack our lunches.  We are trying to stick to our budget and not dip into savings at all.   We drove past our new place of work and were pleasantly surprised at how cute it is.  I will get some pictures this week.

Sunday, September 16, 2012

The sun comes up late here in the shadows of Bryce Canyon National Park.  What a beautiful place!  So much red rock.  Gordo and I went for a spin around the camp ground and got ready for the day.  Wade and I were due to go complete paperwork for our new jobs.  We met our boss and saw all of the busses that come into the shop!  WOW!  Lots of people.

The highlight of our morning was finding a McDonalds in town!  Wade won’t have to go through detox for his Sweet Tea addiction and I can get my iced coffees. 

I am learning to slow my roll…  When we moved from So. California, I had to learn to live at a slower pace in Colorado Springs.  It took a while but,  I learned to relax and go with the flow.  I realized today that there is even a slower pace to life here in Kanab.  I found myself really frustrated because the campground Internet was out of service.  Since I am a computer person, I volunteered to work on the system.  Unfortunately some “yahoo” pushed the reset button on the router and it reset to factory settings, essentially nuking all of the settings that the tech did to get it going.  I got the whole think back broadcasting but the owner doesn’t know his password for the ISP.   I volunteered to call the DSL people but the person who has that information doesn’t work until tomorrow at 9am.  Slower pace….  No sense of urgency.  I’m learning.  So I did what any good tech person would do with an Iphone, I set up a wireless hot spot with my phone!  We are on limited use due to being limited to 2 GB of download data but, it works like a dream.  I can connect up to five devices at a time.  It’s all good….

Being Sunday, we thought we could drive by the six churches in town.  There two mormon churches, one catholic, one Baptist and two non-denoms.  We are going to try out one of the non-denoms next Sunday.  It’s such a small town for so many churches! 

Well, I just finished making about a thousand cookies.  It’s time to make dinner.  I will post tomorrow after our first day of work!


  1. guys are absolutely crazy! Don is going to be so jealous when he reads'd LOVE to do what you guys are doing! Have fun and know I'm looking forward to reading about your adventures!

    1. Thanks Cindy. We are very excited for our new lifestyle.
