Monday, September 24, 2012

Today's wrap-up.

I spend the morning cleaning the RV and doing some laundry for the week.  It felt great to get organized and clean the place.  Gordo had a relaxing morning and even went outside (off leash) for a little while.  Wade forgot about him and came inside.  After a few minutes, I asked where Gordo was, Wade mentioned that he forgot him outside.  We went out to look for Gordo and he was laying in the sun on the door mat.  He didn't go far!
We decided to run some errands around town in the afternoon.  We ate at a little burger place and then visited the BLM (Bureau of Land Management) office to explain that their "road open to all vehicles" map was crap.  Showed them the picture of the Jimmy stuck in a rut and they said that the BLM does not routinely travel these roads or maintain them.  They told Wade that they pull a lot of people out of there.  Hmmm wonder why....  They tell people the roads are open to ALL vehicles and people get in over their heads and get stuck.  Fortunately, we were really prepared.  Most tourists are not!  

Afterward we went over to the "Little Hollywood Museum" (free) and took a walk around their old movie sets.

 This is from the set of "The Outlaw Josey Wales" movie.  There were a couple of odd buildings from movies we had never heard of.  The town of Kanab is called "Little Hollywood" because there have been a lot of western movies filmed in the area.  The museum was ok, but the best part was the two pairs of earrings that I bought for myself.
 Eileen the dork in the tourist pick thingy....
 This was in the little "town" they had built.  I thought it was funny the way that Mail is spelled.
Later in the day we decided to drive to the town of Fredonia in Arizona.  It is only about 10 minutes south of Kanab so I was hoping that we could get groceries for a cheeper price there.  Unfortunately, the only grocery places in the region appear to be in Kanab where the prices are very high.  We drove around town and found this sign....  Pretty much is everything you need...
On our way back to Kanab, we decided to stop at a Fredonia liquor store.  I made Wade go in with me.  It was so bad!  While we were there (10 minutes), the electricity went on and off six times.  It smelled really bad and resembled an episode of Hoarders.  

Now we are just taking it easy and we head back to work tomorrow.  Check back in for more "tourist" stories!

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