Friday, September 21, 2012

So Excited!

Wade and I have been working on our plans for our days off.  He went to the BLM office and got maps and he is readying the Jimmy and the GPS for our plan to spend the day off roading.  Now, before you panic that we are going out alone, we taking our three day packs as well as water for a week and sleeping/clothing for a few days.  We will also give our plan to our little campground people with instructions to contact the sheriff if we are not back by night fall.  I even have a Gordo emergency pack that we will take with us.

We are so excited to finally be doing what we really WANT to do in the Kanab area.   Gordo will have us full time for the next three days!  He loves to ride in the Jimmy.   I will post pictures of our off road adventures tomorrow.

On another note, my hands have experience an eczema flare up from work.  I'm pretty much allergic to all cleaning products except Windex.  My supervisor had me cleaning rocks yesterday and I'm pretty sure the product in the Windex bottle was not Windex.  I will have to check on that.  I even explained that I was very allergic to stuff.  I may have to decline to clean.  I can straighten but not cleaning products.  I bought a bottle of NuSkin and have used it for the first time today.  It seems to help.  Unfortunately you have to re-apply three times a day and it smells like nail polish remover.  Oh well.....

I realized today how much I love working with Worldstrides in DC.  I love my boss(es) and I love my co-workers.  I absolutely love working with students.   I'm thankful that I have eight months off to travel and have great experiences.  Some positive, some negative.  The bad with the good.

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