Thursday, September 20, 2012

Looking Forward

We are off until 2:30 today so Wade went into town and got BLM maps for the off road trails in the area.  I guess there are hundreds of miles of open trails we can off road on.  Wade came back really excited.  This is great news.  It helps us to focus on why we are REALLY in the area.  We are working for a bit of Christmas money but we are also here to see the sights: Bryce Canyon National Park, Zion National Park, the North Rim of the Grand Canyon, and all other things seeable!  We have three days off starting Saturday morning and are really excited to get out and do some fun things.  It will certainly make work more bearable.

I forgot to mention the drunk German from yesterday.  He came in and reeked of alcohol.  Now mind you, it was 2:30 pm!  He kept pointing his fingers at me (in gun fashion) and telling me to give me all the money.  Haha...blah, blah...  Smile for the customer....  Anyway after he went to another part of the store, he found the replica guns.  They look like old western guns but have non-loadable parts.  He then came over to me and stuck it in my face.  I took the barrel and pushed it downward and said "we don't point guns at people for fun".  He did it again and I then repeated the "we don't point guns at people" thing.  It must have been a crazy American look I gave him because he stopped.  I was ready to use my brand new Krav Maga move to remove the gun from his person.  He eventually got bored and moved onto the hats.  I watched as he stumbled his way back onto the bus.  BuBye!  Meeting all of these people from other countries makes me want to stay right here in America!

We had a bit of equipment failure on our sewer hose so Wade is out looking for a new one this morning.  I'm getting ready for work and setting up to make some pasta with meatballs for our lunch/dinner meal.  I'm going to make a bunch of pasta and use it for different things.

Two more days of work and then three days off!!!!!!  Eye on the ball...focus, focus.

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