Friday, September 21, 2012

Ending our first week of work!

Today, at work, Wade helped a guy from the Netherlands (who spoke VERY LITTLE ENGLISH).  The guy was going horseback riding tomorrow and he wanted to look just like an authentic cowboy.  Wade helped him pick out a pair of 501 jeans, a hat and they tried to find boots but that was a no-go.  He bought three pairs of jeans and a cowboy hat.  He will be really decked out for his ride tomorrow!

I also observed, while serving ice cream, that Americans want more ice cream in the cup and Europeans think I put too much ice cream in the cup.  Also, a British guy told Wade that we don't speak English...we speak American.   Five more weeks of this may kill me!

The boss got back today and all of the employees went into crappy mood mode.  It was kinda a drag.

Officially at 9:30pm we begin our three days off!  We are staying up late tonight and then sleeping in late tomorrow.  We are going to take the Jimmy out for a half day.  Gordo is very exited.

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