Sunday, September 30, 2012

Week Two - Done!

We worked last night and were very tired when we got back to the RV.  I scooped ice cream for an hour and a half when we were hit with two busses at one time.  All it takes is for one tourist to walk through the store with ice cream and everyone on the bus wants one!  Now don't get me wrong.  I love scooping ice cream because everyone has a smile on their face when they take it from me.  It also gets me away from the registers upfront where the tourists are NOT happy when they get their final balance on the items they bought.  

There was an older couple who came in late in the evening.  They were so funny.  They are doing a 6,000 mile driving trip from Florida and back.  When I saw them come in, the wife went to the Bryce Canyon books.  The husband said "go ahead and read that, then we don't have to go there".  I started laughing and the husband came over to tell me how it has been a LONG trip and he was done.  He went on to talk to Wade and the wife came up and said "tomorrow we are going to the N. Rim of the Grand Canyon and I may just push him in".  We had a good laugh and she told me all about their trip.  Later when they were leaving I said "have a great trip to the Grand Canyon and be careful.  The edge of the Canyon can come up pretty quickly.  Stay safe".  The wife winked at me and they left.  Now I'm worried that I will see the husband's name in the newspaper!  Oh boy....

This evening was crazy at the store.  At 9:30 pm we had a French invasion.  I had to go help a man find a hat.  That's a difficult task when I don  t speak any French and they don't speak any English!  We eventually got it right but the French people didn't leave until 10:05.

One of the day supervisors doesn't like me.  I'm not sure what I did to her but I have this feeling that she would love to see me go.  That might be a blessing...

Can't wait for tomorrow!

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