Saturday, September 29, 2012

Productive Morning

I was able to get so much done this morning.  We have to work this afternoon/evening so I wanted to get some business out of the way.

I booked Alyssa's flight into Phoenix for Christmas.  Even though we will be in Lake Havasu City for at that time, it was cheeper to fly her to Phoenix and then have Wade Jr. get her and bring her to Havasu.  I found a very cheep round trip ticket for $199 in/out of Colorado Springs.  We are trying to avoid the problems we had last year.  There was a big snow storm the night before the flight and she had a hard time getting to Denver.  This year will be easier (hopefully).  Also, it was $150 less this year!  It will be good to have the four of us together, even if for a short five days.

I also got my business travel booked.  I am going to DC for a trip in October and needed a hotel room on each end in Vegas for the flights.  Booked my off site parking too.

I feel pretty productive so hopefully that will spill over to work.

Gordo and I went on a long walk and play "throw the ball" for about a half hour.  He was really tuckered out.  I know he misses us when we go to work and I feel bad about that.  I also updated his Gordo Williams Facebook profile page.  New profile pic and cover picture.  If you're not "friends" with Gordo, send a request.  He updates as much as his little old paws let him.

My allergies are kicking my butt today.  I may need to up my medication before I go to work...don't want to dribble into the fudge or ice cream...Yuck!

Will probably blog more later...

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