Monday, September 17, 2012

First day of work

Today was our first day of work.  It was a long day of standing and helping people who didn't speak English.  Lots of pointing and guessing what they needed.  I learned so much, had a very full day, and had about five or six bus groups come through the store.  There were these five guys that came in and spoke Dutch.  We later noticed that two of them were wearing clogs.  REAL WOODEN CLOGS!  I always thought they were tourist souvenirs but I guess they really do wear them.

Wade had a nice talk with a tour director who was leading a bunch of German tourists on a Harley tour of the southwest.  I got the feeling Wade wanted to jump on a motorcycle and join them.

I worried a bit about Gordo but he did really well without us.  However, he was really ready to go "out" when we got home.

I also went and checked out the only gym in town.  It has serious potential and I signed up for two weeks to see how it goes.   We will be working in the afternoon through evening so I will be hitting the gym in the morning hours.

By the way I got the Internet working.  I was given permission to call the ISP and got it all re-set up over the phone.  The people in our little campground told me I was their hero.  I guess we are all a little more dependent on the Internet than we like to admit.

There is a lady in town who sells fresh fruits and vegetables from her land.  For $16 she will bring you, to your RV, a two large laundry baskets (one of vegis and the other of fruits).  I guess it's enough for three families.  I was asked if we wanted to "go in" with two other families for this service.  I decided to do the "local" thing and give it a try.    When in Rome.....

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