Thursday, September 27, 2012

Why is it always the French?

My back was so sore at work today.  Standing for eight hours (no sitting allowed in a shift) and then not sleeping well was tough.  We had to go to work this morning but are now off for 24 hours.

There was a run on the jeans department again this morning by Germans.  Wade tried to get a picture of the feeding frenzy but it didn't turn out well.  After they left, it took Wade and I a half an hour to put the shelves back in order!

Later we had a bus of French people come in.  One guy was at the snack bar getting some coffee and snacks but was struggling with our staff due to a language barrier.  Now, we have a little bell you ring when you need help and no one is over there.  This guy couldn't understand how much his food costs so he kept ringing the bell.  Our poor older staff member kept telling him "I am right here".  I figured that she needed some backup so I went over there.  The guy continued to use the bell so I put my hand over it and gave him a look like "if you ring it one more time...".  He stopped....

Today was exceptional because we got our first forwarded mail package!  There was nothing in it that was too exciting but it was nice to get some mail.  I'm now going to put some heat on my back and drink a margarita.  Time to relax until we work again.

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