Sunday, September 23, 2012

Wheeling....Where do I start!

We started off today at the Coral Pink Sand Dunes.  What an incredible place!
 They really are kinda pink.  Gordo got out and ran around like a crazy dog.  He really liked the sand on his paws but they turned all pink.  He got a big bath when we got home.

Wade and I cruised around the dunes for a while and had a great time.

Around 11am we headed out of the sand dunes (I was a bit car sick) and headed through Kanab to the State Park off road park.  It has some great views and some challenging trails.  We thought we would take an easy trail and just take our time.

We got through the wash and then headed out.  Look at the beautiful colors!

 Quickly, the ground was rushing up toward my side of the Jimmy.

Gordo took advantage of the ground being close and jumped out of the window.  He spent the whole time wandering around and smelling new smells.

Unfortunately, we had a bit of a problem.  At first we weren't too concerned, but after we tried to get out on our own, we decided to winch on to a bush and see if we could get out.  After two tries, we were a bit worried. The vegetation that we were hooking up to kept pulling out of the ground.   I told Wade that "too bad there was a big tree behind us".  He said that we could run the cable under the truck and pull it up, then he could use the truck to pull itself out.

It took us an hour and a half to work our way out of the situation.  There was a storm coming and I was worried that we would get hit with a lot of rain.  I was also thinking we might have to sleep                   in the Jimmy.

I wasn't too worried....I had brought three days worth of water, food, and dog food, as well as warm clothing and coats.  I probably wouldn't have had to worry about eating Wade Sr. or Gordo for at least five days.  Being the stronger of the three, I didn't have to worry about them eating me!
We eventually did make it out of the forest and back to our trailer.  After baths for everyone, I BBQ'd steaks.  We are now resting and thanking God we are home!  

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