Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Long Day!

Well today was interesting.  I got so much done this morning  before work.  I test drove the new gym, got all of our laundry done, ironed all my clothes for the week, and did the dishes.  We have a stacked washer and dryer in the RV so it makes it convenient.

We decided that since we were going to be working evenings, we would have our main meal at lunch and just bring something small for our dinner at work.  It worked out really well today so I think we will keep that going.

We go to work at 2:15 pm and worked an eight hour shift.  We both really don't want to work that much.  We were told that we would only be working about 6.5 hours a day.  Tonight was a solid eight hours.  ALL of it on our feet.  The up side to working evenings is that I'm not sitting, watching TV and eating all night long!  Maybe I can drop those last 30 pounds and get to goal this way.  Who knows?

We had a funny thing happen at the store today.  These French people came in and were trying on Wrangler Jeans.  However,  they neglected to use the dressing rooms.  At one point, a woman walked out of the dressing room completely naked from the waist up!  Wade Sr. had a bit of a shock.  He said "she was trying on pants, I don't know why she was topless!".  I looked into the back area of the store and saw two men in their under ware trying on pants.  I asked Wade about it and he said they had been doing that since they came in.  Come on people!  We don't want to see your naked bodies parading around the store.  And, for Heaven's sake, use deodorant!

People are Strange!

Gordo survived the long haul without us for eight hours.  He rushed out of the door as soon as we opened it and headed straight for a bush.  He was so glad we were home.  I threw the ball for a while and then he snuggled right into my lap.  I feel bad leaving him for so long.

Anyway...we will be finishing up our shifts this week but, if the hours continue to be long, we might have to ask for different shifts.  Good night!

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