Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Long, tiring day!

I started today with a great workout.  At the gym I did about 30 minutes of cardio and then beat the crap out of some unsuspecting stationary bag.  I hit it so hard, repetitively, that I have a bruise on my hand! I forgot my sparing gloves.  I did feel a bit grumpy this morning but I don't think that helped much.

We headed to work and it was such a quiet night at the store.  Quite boring.  The only interesting thing was that there was Japanese couple who were digging through the rock display to fill a tiny bag.  This wouldn't be a problem normally, but tonight, they spent at least 15-20 minutes digging.  It was odd.

I also helped some Swedish women find jeans.  Now, I'm not a shopper.  I don't really like shopping for clothes.  I go into a store and usually quickly find the closest thing that fits and then I'm out of the door. These women were so picky.  I worked with them for an hour and the woman who came in for jeans never did buy anything.  She kept complaining that they were too "bulky" in the back of the legs and butt.  How do you say "your butt is too flat" in Swedish?  However, her friend bought a pair.

Just found out that Wade Jr. has to move.  The people that he rents his house from told him that they have fallen on hard time and he has to move out (they want to live in the house).  Well, he has a lease until March.  He is going to talk to the legal department at the base tomorrow and she what he needs to do.  I'm thinking that we will be helping him move when we get there at the beginning of November.  Please say a prayer that this all works out.

Good night all...we work early in the morning tomorrow.

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