Tuesday, September 25, 2012

The Morning Shift

We worked the morning shift at the store today.  I really like it much better than the evening shift.  The mornings are always busier.  We had four buses and lots of walk in traffic today.

Wade talked to a guy who came in all bandaged up.  His left arm was pulled tight against his chest and his shoulder was immobilized.  Wade asked him what happened.  The guy replied that he was trying to go through an intersection and almost t-boned a tourist turning left in front of him.  He opted to lay the bike down instead of hitting the car.  He tore all the tendons in his shoulder and broke his wrist.  Wade could definitely sympathize with him.  I remember when Wade called me after motorcycle riding and asked me to meet him in the ER.   He had broken his collar bone and dislocated his shoulder.  It was painful to watch the ER doc "pop" it back into place.  I can imagine what it was like to tear all the tendons!

I had a funny thing happen to me in the store today.  This French guy (yes, always the French), kept looking in his bag as he headed to the door.  He would look in the bag and then back at me, then in the bag, then back at me.  So, I asked him if he was missing something.  I thought, maybe, I forgot to put his item in the bag.  He looked in his bag one more time and then he said "I can't find my wife".  Ok, now, I could come up with all kinds of sarcastic things, but I decided to hold my tongue.  Just as I was trying to figure a nice way to say....I don't think I put her in the bag, she came out of the restroom and they left the store.  STRANGE!

So Wade got his new 32 GB SD cards today and is really excited to load them up with video from his new GoPro camera.  If you are interested, my very technologically challenged husband has been posting videos on YouTube and now has his own Channel!  This link should take you to his Channel.  I'm so proud of him!  You may have to copy/paste this into your address bar.


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